Tuesday, December 31, 2013

5 Short Lessons To Bring Into The New Year (2014)

1) Bystander effect

The first harsh reality we must all face is that little to nobody in this lifetime will ever really have our best interests at heart.

Not when doing so puts their own in danger, anyway. 

It's perfectly reasonable, so regret nothing but only graciously accept this golden nugget of wisdom. Believe me, it would do us all a little good to start depending on ourselves.

If you see a project falling to pieces yet you don't see any of your members raring to step up to the plate, get off your amazing ass and give it a swing! Put your whole effort into it. Your own results are a part of the fray too, aren't they? Don't sit about expecting anybody to get things done for you.

If you want something done, do it yourself. Don't be a bystander because you'd only really be shortchanging yourself. Family loyalty and lifelong friends aside, everybody has their own story to worry about, after all. 

Trust me, you'll do okay on your own. :)

2) Cherish the ones you have when you're down

We've all been through pretty rough spots throughout the past year. Friends have come and gone like the wind, projects have gone horribly haywire and the worst of decisions have been made.

Acknowledge your own pain. It says nothing about your own character. But don't let these opportunities pass you by. 

Realize this - you might jolly well be the most popular person at a party, but it's only when you're really down do you know who have always been there for you.

Identify these people and never let them go. Never stop being grateful, no matter how much time has passed. Weed out the leechers and try your best to be there for the next buddy that needs you. They won't forget it, and everything'll feel better.

But never forgo your family. Ever. Don't be pulled into any kind of social stigma. You won't regret this, believe you me.

3) Stop hating yourself

Honestly, we all happen to be our own biggest critics. It's painfully easy to find yourself awake some nights hating yourself. It's even easier to be caught in a situation where you simply don't feel adequate enough for anything.

Take a deep breath, breathe, and really look at the people around you. Look past the glow. Everybody has their own flaws. 

So what if that guy seems louder than you, funnier than you or simply cooler than you? He might be sucky at graded work, or he might have a fear of heights.

Not really great examples there, but I hope you get my point. We're all good at certain things and sometimes the only people that don't actually notice them are ourselves.

4) Happiness is a choice

Sad moments are inevitable. Still, with that in mind, nothing really restricts us from having the time of our lives anyway. You could choose to sit at home and feel bad for yourself or you could get up, call up a couple of friends and actually give the outside world a chance. Not all of it is bad.

Stop living in the past. Don't dig up things you might not actually want to know. Just put your curiosity aside and live in the now. Stop letting yourself become such a masochist.

Lose your comfort zone and do things that inspire you. Take your own desires into consideration and forget what critics say. This is your life and not theirs.

5) Be your own Person

You don't have to compare yourself to anybody. Sometimes a person's success or allure might really be nothing but an overly-exaggerated illusion. We always tend to maximize somebody else's good points while completely overlooking our own.

Focus on yourself and try to be better than you were the day before, and the day before that. It's really all that matters, because it's not like you can pay your rent by  enjoying another person's downfall.

Take your time, stop feeling pressurized and cut yourself some slack. You'll get there eventually, and you're the only one that'll benefit from it.

With all this in mind, 2014 is going to be a year with a lot of ups and downs. Nothing is going to be totally different. You might get older, and a little more experienced, but the world is not going to suddenly make sense to anybody.

Just know that you have it in you to be something great. The fact that you're reading this proves it.

Have yourself another great year. :)

Credits: atlanticbt.com, thejobsearchadviser.com, inc.com, commentskart.com, babygaga.com, thethingswesay.com, stokemyfire.com, spoilersguide.com

1 comment:

  1. It's always a joy reading (or stalking whatever) your posts :)
