Sunday, December 23, 2012

Recount: Depression Christmas Party

Hello dear reader,
Depression Merchandise

As you know, I’m currently on a very short hiatus (really short, believe me on this. I’m almost there!). However, I’d recently attended the Depression Christmas Party on the 22nd of December and I really wanted to share my experience with you! Here’s a quick disclaimer though – it really wasn’t one of my better experiences, so don’t be offended if you happen to disagree in any way.

The night promised to be an entertaining one… the party sounded great online, anyway. It was pretty fun getting our picture taken before we entered the shop, holding props and smiling cheerily for the camera just like the good old times (I refer to primary school camps, of course). However, upon entering the actual party location, I realized then that we’d probably gotten ourselves a little too hyped up for this.

The shop itself was small, and the people there stood mainly in their happy little clusters without much motivation to move around. There was a small DJ booth in the middle of the space pumping out easily forgettable music (I say that because I can’t remember a single tune for the life of me) and two small ‘refreshment’ tables equipped with some macaroons and liquor.

Just a quick glance at what the store looked like from the top of the stairs! Photo taken by Sarah Chua

I suppose that the lack of entertainment might have been there (or not there) on purpose. They probably expected us to efficiently occupy our time by browsing around the shop merchandise. It’s actually a pretty good ploy, if you were to ask me. Still, there’s really only so many times that you can walk around checking out a small collection before your total boredom starts to filter through.

I guess that it’s pretty safe to say that I didn’t stay there too long. Maybe they broke down walls and got the party bustling right after we left. Who am I judge? Well, I think that it was a pretty good attempt overall… there was a rather interesting crowd in attendance anyway. People were decked out in some of the most unique and pleasantly downcast clothes (I’m serious… hence, ‘Depression’!) that I had ever seen. Maybe it would have been worth the trip there just to appreciate some of the clothes on display (on party attendees, store merchandise and otherwise). I probably wouldn’t be attending any more events hosted by this store but that doesn’t mean that I won’t come back to patronize it! Their goods do deliver, after all. J

One of the only highlights of the party!
Oh yes, on to the very last bit that I wanted to talk about before I leave you. So, I came to this party with two of my other friends. Yet, upon entering, the three of us were presented with just ONE gift bag. I know, I know, who am I to complain? I’m sure that it’s perfectly acceptable for us to have to split the bag’s contents into three shares. I’m probably overreacting… one CD should be able to run really well when it’s broken into three, anyway. I love how this made all the other guests feels equally important and cherished J Okay, I’m sure that you get my drift. I exaggerated... kidding though, to a certain extent. Well, gold star for creativity… and generosity, Depression!

I suppose that the event wasn’t all that bad, really. There were many good elements of it mixed in there too. I’ll end my little rant right here. I really hope that I haven’t offended you in any way. I apologize if I have, but I’m really trying to tell it like I see it and this is pretty much all that I remember. Don’t hesitate to share any thoughts that you might have at or at @NatKathXo on twitter. 

Thank you so much for your time! J

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